
Hair Loss

Hair Loss, also known as Alopecia or Baldness is a condition that causes loss of hair from your head with symptoms such as hair thinning and a receding hairline. Around 80 million men in the US are known to suffer from hereditary Hair Loss. While it’s normal to lose 50-100 hairs in a day, losing volumes of hair daily during shower or combing can be a sign of Hair Loss. Genetics play a huge role in determining the severity of hair loss. If you have a family history of baldness, chances are that you’ll suffer from this problem too. Talk to your dermatologist about a suitable treatment option regarding the same. While genetics might be one of the reasons for hair loss, improper blood flow to the hair follicles can also result in hair loss. For the hair growth cycle to stay intact, proper blood flow to the hair follicles is necessary..

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